The Language of Color.
Exhibition at Smith College, Alumnae House, Northampton Massachusetts.
September 8th - December 21
Opening reception September 8th, 5:00pm-8:00pm
Nothing stays the same. In my paintings I try to capture a moment of time that would otherwise be lost. I arrest the day light and with it a memory. Perhaps it’s the flowers, fruit or the Mediterranean light from my childhood that I try to recreate. Perhaps a certain color evokes a taste or scent from the past. Though my childhood was not joyful I’ve managed to turn the best memories, those that have to do with the natural world, into something that give me joy today. If my paintings do the same for the viewer all the better. I want these images I paint to have contemporary feel. I am not interested in recreating 18th or 19th century still life’s. Nor am I interested in modern photorealism. Color speaks and what it says is different for each person. People may respond to it or not. I communicate with color, which over time has become my language. ---Nava Grunfeld, September 14, 2015
THE LANGUAGE OF COLOR an exhibition of watercolors and recent acrylic paintings. Opens at Smith College, Alumnae House, 33 Elm Street, Northampton, Massachusetts. September 8th and on view through December 21. Opening reception Friday September 25th, 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Please join me. I'd love to meet you. Gallery hours: M_F 8:30 am-4:30pm.
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Exhibiting my work at the Arts Unlimited GalleryBeginning on January 19th, I will be exhibiting some of my paintings at the Arts Unlimited Gallery, 25 College Street, South Hadley, Massachusetts.
ABOUT THE BOOK:LIT FROM WITHIN: SATURATED WATERCOLORS is primarily a collection of my watercolor paintings in full color. It also tells a brief story of my evolution as an artist. While it is not a "how to" book, per se, it does include a chapter demonstrating how I work. The foreword of the book was written by Maureen Bloomfield, editor of the Artist's Magazine. The following is an excerpt from the introduction page of the book:
What sets artists apart is their ability to see, coupled with the discipline to develop the skills necessary to express their vision. For me art- making begins with nature and the world around me; I examine it closely, and then interpret what I see and feel in my own language. My language has evolved over time. When I discovered watercolor, I became passionate about the medium and could hardly wait to get into my studio to see what images unfolded each day. Painting in watercolor became my language.
This book is about my artistic process, and includes a decade's sampling of my watercolor paintings, 1999-2009.
To order book please contact the artist: [email protected]
- LIT FROM WITHIN: Saturated Watercolors by Nava Grunfeld, 2010
Featured in The Artist's Magazine , Summer, 2010 - Link to Read Article PDF
- Featured on the cover of The Artful Mind , Fall. 2009
- Featured on the cover of Watercolor Artist Magazine , August, 2008
- Featured on the cover of The Artist's Magazine , August 2005
- Double page spread in Splash 9 : Watercolor Secrets.
- Featured on the cover of Splash 8: Watercolor Discoveries.
- Included in Splash 7: Qualities of Light. The Best of Contemporary Watercolors.
All Splash books published by North Light Books , edited by Rachel Wolf . - 10-page feature article in the Spring 2003 issue of Watercolor Magazine,
- The painting selected for a Poster of American Women Artists .
Exhibition and Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico 2000 - Included in American Artist Magazine, American realism today issue, 2000
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JUROR:Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society, annual exhibition. October 2010 The New England Watercolor Society, annual exhibition. 2011 The Artist's Magazine, annual art competition (still life category). 2011
Recent and upcoming ExhibitionSmith College, Alumnae House, Northampton, Massachusetts September 8th - December 21, 2015 Opening reception: September 25th, 5:00-7:00PM
Arts Unlimited Gallery,25 College Street, South Hadley, Massachusetts January 19th. |
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